Why I hate the restaurant.

Okay everybody! I'm gonna make you a list of all the reasons why I hate the restaurant I work at!

They pay you $12/hour! Doesn't matter if you're working weekends or nights, or weekend nights, 12 dollars! That's cash though, but still, it's nothing.

They take your tip! They have a very weird tip system. If you took the order of a table, and they gave you more than 5 dollar tip, then it's your money. If it's less than 5 dollar, Angelo puts it in a jar. Those money are supposed to be for the people who work in the kitchen and behind the bar. But last week the jar was full, and now it's empty, and I asked one guy in the kitchen if he got any money, and he said No. I wonder where all the money in the jar went?!

And sometimes we even see them put 5 or 10 dollar notes in the jar! Which means that sometimes they take your tip and put it in the jar! This stupid tip system means that most of the days you go home with no tip, and some days you might get 5 or 10 dollars. And almost every table give you like 2-3 dollar tip, and if you have lets say 15 tables a day, thats 45 freaking dollars that you don't get!! I hate this!

They don't pay you for the hours you work.
Most of the nights we quit 11:45pm, or sometimes even 12, 'cause it's impossible to clean quicker than that! Last Sunday when he was gonna pay me, it said that I only worked 33 hours, even though I had worked 35hours and 15 minutes.
I tell him this, and he starts showing me the hours and everything, and every single night it said 11 30! I told him that's not right, and what does the stupid fuck say?!

"I can't pay for 15 minutes!"
"Of course you can."
"What am I gonna start paying per minute?!"
"Yeah that's what every job does!"
"Well if I say we quit 11:30 and you're not finished but 11:30 it means that you are slow."
"But it's impossible to clean quicker! It takes that much time!"
"But then your slow."

It all ended with me taking my money and leaving without saying bye. And the day after I told them I'm quitting.

They yell at you. Every little mistake you make they YELL at you! "Don't do that! Why did you do like that?! Don't make mistakes! You can't make mistakes!" They're just super mean and rude. We don't need people yelling at us, we would understand even if they told us nicely!

I work every night. Every night but Monday. This means that I can't have a normal social life. I can't see my cousin, 'cause she works normal hours 9-5. I can't BBQ with them, I can't go out with my friends. If I go out I will always be 6 hours behind!!!! Sober!!!!



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